Whether you are moving into a new place or hoping to improve your current one, you have likely considered what to do about an air conditioning unit for your space. The new popular system is the ductless mini split AC system. But what is required in order to have a system like this?
Mini-split systems do not take up a lot of energy, drawing between 15 and 45 amps on average for both heating and cooling. The system is very energy efficient and can easily be customized to your space. If you have a small home or apartment, they are more affordable to install than a central unit.
You may be wondering what apms really are, how well the system works, and if it would work well for you. This article will give a basic technical rundown of the mini split AC system as well as the perks it offers to your lifestyle. So follow along to get the simple rundown of this energy-efficient system!
How Many Amps Does a Mini-Split Draw?
If you are not sure what amps are, do not worry! We also can get overwhelmed with technical talk. To put it simply, an amp is calculated by dividing the watts (power) by the volts (voltage) of an electrical system. It is just a unit of measurement that combines these two important electrical elements into one number.
Now that you understand the unit of measurement, how many amps do mini-splits draw? The amp range varies based on how many British thermal units or BTUs the mini split system uses. Yes, this is another form of electrical measurement. But the most important thing to understand is the average amp usage for all varieties of these AC units!
On average, you will need between 15 and 45 amps per mini-split unit. In terms of volts, this is anywhere from 110 to 120 volts on the low end and 208 to 240 volts on the higher end. Different Mini-Split systems will draw different amounts of energy, but the majority of them stay within this range.
To give some context, mini-split units use roughly 2,000 watts per hour at their highest level of cooling. Whereas central AC/heating units use between 3000-3500 watts per hour. So if you do not need much cooling capacity, a mini-split unit will save you money on your electricity bill!
How Mini-Split AC Systems Work
A ductless mini-split system works on the same principles as larger air conditioning systems. The exterior unit pulls in outside air through its vents, through its cooling or heating system, then pushes the set air into the room! Ductless mini-split systems are controlled by remote, so it is easy to set the temperature in the room and have it work quickly.
Because these systems do not require large ducts, it only takes a small hole to bring the outside air through the system. Which makes for an easy and affordable installation! With every element of the system contained in each unit, the program is easy to manage and is quite convenient.
You have probably come across these units in hotel rooms or other locations in large city buildings. Because this system is perfect for cooling a room in use without having to set the same temperature in every room.

How Expensive is it To Install a Mini-Split AC System?
Mini split AC systems can start much cheaper than central units to install, but depending on the space it can get more expensive. Since the mini split system is an independent system, the price of parts can add up if you have a large home.
Generally speaking, people spend between $3,778 and $7,427 installing central units, whereas mini-split units cost between $2,000 and $14,500. So if you are looking to install this system in an apartment or small home, it will likely be cheaper initially than the central unit. You will save money with the mini-split system over time as well.
However, the price goes up the more rooms you have to manage. Creating a custom system with compressors and evaporated can get expensive as you are installing a section of the system in each room. Many rooms mean many parts!
It is important to note that the mini-split system tends to be cheaper because it is a ductless system. So there is no need to make big modifications to your simple home to create said duct system. If you are building your own home, this is good to consider as it could save you some money during the building process!
How Energy Efficient is a Mini-Split AC Systems
There are a few different ways to evaluate the efficiency of an AC system, one of which is the SEER score. Essentially, the higher the SEER rating is then the more energy efficient the system is overall. Ductless mini-split units are generally more energy-efficient than other AC systems.
The average SEER rating for energy-efficient AC units ranges from 16-26, while the mini split system score 30 and above! This means that these particular systems are certainly more energy efficient than other systems. Even the ones who are generally considered to be very efficient.
This comes from a few different factors. First of all, the system itself is small and just works really well! It does not take up too much energy and uses each bit of that power. Secondly, the system is independent of room to room. So you are able to control where you need the air and not waste it!
The Benefits of a Mini-Split System
If we have not convinced you yet, there are still more benefits to using a mini-split system! Although other benefits will differ depending on the case, there are three overarching benefits with every one of these systems. Their energy efficiency, wide versatility, and long-lasting durability!
We have already established that the mini-split system is incredibly energy efficient on its own. But it is even more efficient in the way it can be set up! Each air handler can be used independently, so you can only use the system for rooms currently in use.
With this system, you do not have to set the whole entire house to one temperature. Meaning no more arguments with household members over what temperature to set the thermostat to! This helps save energy and make your home more comfortable for everyone.
Mini-split systems are excellent at utilizing every drop of energy effectively. The added independence of each unit allows for rooms themselves to be heated or cooled more efficiently. Meaning you will face lower electricity bills in two different ways!
Versatile System

The most impressive example of versatility within these mini-split systems is their ability to heat and cool rooms. Making them purposeful in cool and hot climates, but especially those in locations with both high and low temperatures around the year.
Another important element of versatility is mini-split systems' unique ability to enact home zoning. Home zoning allows you to heat and cool rooms individually. The indoor elements of the units have remote thermostats, so you can maintain different temperatures throughout the house.
This makes it perfect for people who prefer different temperatures, not wasting energy on rooms that are not frequently used, and who live in seasonal climates. This system works for all kinds of scenarios, hence it being so versatile!
Finally, mini-split systems are very long-lasting! Most mini-split ductless air conditioners can last for roughly 20 years. Compared to conventional systems that usually last between 12 and 15 years, this is an impressive difference.
Just like any other machine, this system will need regular maintenance by an HVAC company. This will ensure it is not wasting energy or eroding important parts. All to ensure that this system lasts as long as it should.
The longevity of this system alone is something to envy. Its simplicity allows for easy care and convenience in any home it finds itself in. Some companies will have different systems that may be tougher than others, but you will rarely find a cheap system that breaks down fast.
Mini-split systems are definitely worth considering whether you live in a large home or a modest apartment. The system itself does not consume a lot of energy and can be easily managed, making it much more cost-effective than traditional units in the short and long term.
Combined with its versatility, efficiency, and durability, it becomes tough to make a decent argument for traditional HVAC systems! This article should give you a basic comprehensive understanding of mini-split systems, but there are plenty of professionals who would be able to answer questions about installing one in your home!
Ready to ensure your ductless mini-split system operates at peak efficiency? Contact Rich's Heating And Cooling LLC today at (732) 433-0068 to ensure your system's amperage is optimized for optimal performance and energy savings. Our team of experts will assess your system's requirements and provide tailored solutions to keep you cool and comfortable year-round.